Free Consultation Application

Street Address

Upload Photo Instructions

  1. Ensure the room is evenly lit and bright. This is best accomplished in the daytime using natural light.
  2. Do not use a flash. It obscures the scalp. If you think you need a flash, you need a brighter room.

Please note the following:

Maximum file size: 5 MB per image, images must measure less than 3200px x 3200px.

What you need to know

Approximate duration: 3 minutes

We are usually able to review your submission and provide an assessment within 2-4 business days.

We’ll let you know:

  • If you’re a candidate for hair transplant surgery
  • Whether your goals can be realistically obtained
  • An estimate of the number of grafts required to achieve your goals
  • An estimate of cost for the procedure

Send Us Your Pictures
To help us provide an accurate estimate we ask you to send us your contact information, transplant history and pictures of your hair loss and donor area.