Hair Transplant Scars

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) surgery, also known as strip surgery, involves the removal of a strip of hair from the back of the head. After the strip is extracted, individual follicular units are dissected and transplanted to areas of the head requiring coverage. Following the removal of the strip, the incision is meticulously closed.

At Hair Follicle, we perform the strip removal in sections and promptly close the incision after each section is excised. We employ a technique called Trichophytic Closure to create nearly imperceptible hair transplant scars.

Our results speak volumes – the patients showcased on this page exhibit virtually undetectable scars. While no scar after surgery is entirely invisible, our experience and techniques make it exceptionally challenging to discern the scars in the vast majority of our patients.

All the Proof You Require

At Hair Follicle, we offer numerous examples of hair transplant scars on our former patients to demonstrate our expertise. As you will see in the photos and videos below, we provide detailed footage to support our results. In the videos, we continuously comb through the hair at the back of our patients’ heads to reveal the hair transplant scars. We say “attempting” because, for some patients, even we find it challenging to locate the scar.

Our videos feature close-ups of the scar area, filmed in a well-lit environment with a high-quality HD camera. We are proud to consistently deliver world-class hair transplant results, as shown by the scars featured on this page.

We strive to eliminate any doubt you may have about the authenticity of our results. We believe we have achieved this by using HD technology, filming in a well-lit setting, and providing close-ups and slow comb-throughs.

5456 Hair Transplant Grafts

This patient underwent a single hair transplant surgery and received 5456 grafts. As depicted, his hair transplant scar is remarkably undetectable.

Can You Spot The Scar?

As mentioned, showcasing a still photo is one aspect, but we aim to provide evidence from all angles and in various media formats. Here’s a video to complement the still photo on the left. Can you spot this patient’s hair transplant scar?

8400 Hair Transplant Grafts

This patient received 8400 grafts in a single hair transplant surgery. Hair Follicle is well known for their abilities to perform such large surgeries in a single session.

Truly Remarkable

This patient had an astounding 8,400 grafts in a single hair transplant surgery megasession. As you can see, a larger hair transplant surgery doesn’t necessarily equate to a larger hair transplant scar.